OCR text
PEO E ices a» | \ Pariectaria judaica. Zin. Unio itiner, 1834. In rimis saxorum ditionis Eliga- T,Fr,Hohenacker. bethpol Georgiae caucasicae, Sptbr. Jun, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | | EDINBURGH NN £00404725 | | | | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IW E00404727 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E£00404726 HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RS. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. Parietaria judaica, Lin, Unio itiner. 1838. R. F. Hohenacker, In ruderatis prope Helenendorf Geor, cauc, “ |
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