OCR text
rekeyiWLetoro) Miah cies ROYAL nance scenes HERB. HORT. EDINB. COUNTRY, PROVINCE, LOCALITY SAUD) ARABIA ae a So Pe, HABITAT (VEGETATION/SOIL TYPE ETC.) Hianan vootir fe , AQ Tomnnruredy, vr damp gaurd ngour pikth uw enna fla. Ae ALTITUDE 6 SOO. DESCRIPTION OF PLANT, USES Mak. pre n Lory voith Creep undivwrond duns, a hagal eer ote aes and tranadlay drums 1S cur lng. = Bimonish over rf voit Loe, boon oh ag cluolerea w a elo spake. (i head sullevrded MATERIAL Herb. Spirit | Living| Carp. | Wood cyto. | Photo. DATE COLLECTOR NUMBER Y w last Is. Colonie 493%
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet