OCR text
orsyiWeck=t-¥ MLO] o) ByCe (oye) PLANTAE PALAESTINAE MOABITICAE f Lv a ees NR Nomen DA AMAA tA. Ake GRO Se ant « £ ‘ j : YAL BOTANIC GARDEN Habitat Ve reet . net. : les a a EDINBURGH phil ; : Locus ce = PLE (NEP DGILT | | | | Ih E£00403154 Alt. O00... m. Datum teat AON Ne C ee No. Pn. BES. determ, J. ieecie fe . . leg. Fred. S. Meyers et J. E. Dinsmore. Chile SA AF per CVC Ue Wh Soon LV The American Colony, Jerusalem. Deora Mil ohh a 2
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