OCR text
bleu v.U. Bey GARDEN ~ ROYAL ae xo} cy Pa be ) 72) ® = ca) <= 7 = > 2. ° [S) Approbavit R. R. Mill 16/4/93) Duplicatum ex Conservatorio Botanico Genevensi Manooe HARADJIAN Plants Syrice borealis cura Herbarii Delessertiani editze. whl lamar ckia legal Chey ria gina a eo aener | pp det. G Samuelsen. ,/833. ee nu. Sank ae Menrall See Ls l \ Bu. tazrJd (fe, M40 | PSE eae 197 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | th E00369974 |
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