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HERB. HORT. EDINB. EL Hsu 19499Y91C Pam Kc) Col aa ce} a) > ~~ ® m7) A i a = ne i Ey a ° a) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso do Sul No. R7503 Banisteriopsis latifolia (Adr. Juss) Gates Slopes of the Serra de Maracaju near Aquiduana, 20° 30'S 55° 37'W In cerrado growing on the rocks of the hillside, Slender tree, 4m tall, 3cm dbh, with smooth grey bark Flowers yellow. . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 23 ix 1996 ange Be at oS ir C.F.R. Cardoso & G.B. dos Santos €r, J. Fonséca Filho,
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