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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ‘La HEsa 19499Y91C me x-rite ‘ xo} ® Pa o A) 7) ri = Pe co ao) = > Qa ° oO FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso do Sul No. R7591 Brysonima intermedia Adr. Juss. Vernacular name: Murici 8 km W of Paranaiba on the road to Sao Pedro, 6, 19° 20'S 51° 20° W. In partially cleared cerrado. Slender shrub, 1.3m tall. Flowers bright yellow. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0000 2 xi 1996 J.A. Ratter, J. Fonséca Filho & Sueli M. Gomes
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