OCR text
@ s089 Ri Bee om tt gogo: Bhutan, : Dungshing Gang Shrubs 46f+, B1.Mt,N,Side, Corolla palest blush pink, with very C,Bhutan, 20-5357, small basal. patch and a few spots in some flowers, Calyx very small, fleshy, pale pink, Fi laments white, hairy at base, Ovary hairy; style glabrous, Leaves,upper surface shiny green,glabrous;: lower surface with rather thick felt-like brown tomentum, Few seen; in Abies forest, beside rocky streams, eat 4 AY + Ga em ae copyright reserved Rhadlo dames poloninw Tid weber | whe, Fid€ “Pavihow (WI e307 A 9 MK: honolir< eathef: RRedoclyncrer _— Approbavit @ R. fSaviense xR fplnrchit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Det. D. G. Long Ozt 198C : G3 => Co com Determinavit OY Ex Herbario Musei Britannici oe Rhododendron Batenanii | Hook f. Loe: Dungshinggang. Black Mountain. Central Bhutan. Alt: 13,000 ft. 20.5.19357. | Coll: F,Ludlow-G. Sherriff. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN No. 3089 EDINSURGH : | | E00314480
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