OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00368071 PA Poller. Samples fn bm , SEM & TEM Shee, Sent to: Emel Oy bak leeds For: (fon. Hacefleve Univ). Date: 2 June 148q K) 7 oN eeN oe (Spies) aegis pene [0] copyright reserved 4S K. H. RECHINGER, ITER ORIENTALE 1971 FLORA OF PERSIA Vitis tf Prov, Khamseh: Manjil to Zanjan, north side of Tarom pass, c 10 km from Tashvir. Gully. Climbing on Rubus; apparently wild. 800— Al. ©. ga oatt 31 May 1971 Coll. Jennifer Lamond ¢& M. Iranshahr. No. 3483
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