OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. poAsoses yYHiUAdoo a es an Eas) Rr es OINVLOG TVAOU ¥ Maxted et al. 6640 Vicia peregrina L. wae Det. Nigel Maxted 05.vii.89 E00366192 University of Southampton Flora of Soviet Union Vicia peregrina L. Georgia Nearest Settlement : Gori 7 Kms. From Gori on Khashuri road Province Location Habitat : Roadside verge and orchard Altitude : 805m Latitude : 42 01N Longitude : 44 01B Collectors : Maxted, Bisby, Forde, Golubev, Munyenyembe & Yurchikov 6640 Date : 10/06/89
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet