OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ae F- (04-33 [ee Ve pape Phin man. Tah / $f G. wht- . aa be Ad td, 2] D. Ptlias, speccaileee ~wrol —s “4 4G/ 9 NS Cotype - oe | : ia <_ lu yp y Os yf Poet Vi. fave Ff. 404.23 Darct. 146) - . T 7 7 2 | 6 g ) ne aly ) 4 it u al p cm copyrignt reserved Lo U SR SOUT REET ET Te GIT Pe a PP 7 os or Cotype 3 : 1 5 > / ISOTYPE ; Y | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN dion ravuin. Delf Fb WL/ Se, of Rhedodans a | Neen COCK...1X..(@)..2.-27D.... E00314406 - | 1
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