OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00361134 | “Universitatis Hebvaitae Higrosolymitanag «=oe>won> nenayn AyD INA DIVISIO BOTANICA mp 3w1s5 aApone FLORA DAGAGSTINNG GHSICGATE DRI? 7 IK as 101. Andropogon hirtus L. Sp. Pl. ed. 1 (1753), p. 1046. Phytogeogr. value: A polychorous (pluriregional) species, the ecological requirements of which are obscure to us. In Palestine it is a plant of open sunny habitats, especially on barren hills and mountain slopes. It is a component of natural associations with stepical affinities. AL Eder Kiriath-Anavim, near Jerusalem, 27. V. 1931. Leg. |. Amdursky. Ss o > cy o ”n oO i da << fey h es) a fe} cS)
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