OCR text
ex-NWi-l-1-3 LOL eo] BYXe (ere) 0 ie I L aEzEH G es eee FS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00357918 Universitatis Hebraitae Hierosolymitanae =or-wine nmayn AyD II°7INA DIVISIO BOTANICA apipia> aeons FLORA PALAESTINAE EXSICCATA DRT PON on 306. Eragrostis megastachya (Koel) Link. Hort. Berol. 1:187 (1827). Phytogeogr. value: A pluriregional, Boreo-tropical species. An annual anthropophyte, occurring in Palestine in irrigated places in the Shefela and Upper Jordan Valley. Tel-Aviv, irrigated places, 13. VII. 1933. Leg. N. Feinbrun.
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