OCR text
(5 7 F ey 1 ry BABIN} B) Ces sf copyright reserved c ae OF ARABIA \ raqrecis (uenands UO) Vig S Ao Vue. } v Det. A\ Lae Date \L.S Gs FLORA OF THE YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Eragrostis Taizz to Ibb, 5 km N of Qaidah. Euphorbia scrub. 20 cm high. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 7 Tn ) Alt. c. 1700 m 16 Oct. 1978 | | | | A. G. MILLER No. 513 E00357887 — See ae es : : eee ee eee ee nc eee nn ar ee eta aes ion ET TIRES -— Tg Cla Pia a
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