OCR text
"Doshong La. Alt. 12-13000 ft. Flowers crimson - a deever colour than No. 5845. Prostrate undershrub, trailing over rocks, and on steep slopes, rising some 6 inshes above the ground. Confined to the sheltered flank of the hill and the bottom of the valley where it grows with the Campy logynum (5842) and others. 24/6/24. Ward 5846", Aor FRAC. 2H ]t/td'n ALY, 2 -/3 000 fe, “eee, i ee Cn Vlrwirn trina - & cherpsn Colon Poa A086. 2 Recluotg Chee Avtho Sen. LLL hafes, Mieg tome © trthas «<8800 ey TA Con J S \= a = % R. fowesti: Balj. /. Var. Mamesced < . 3 \SOTYPE Cowan A Davchan 3 y Re Loméath Omnsoni? S K. foresti: y aos Swkep. P op llatn— eg ¢ ) Determinavit D. CLanduil /97¢ ¥ O53. , * «ye Cotype we ys “A } Ni 2 3 2 2 > & VS SY eee EX HERB: HORT. BOT, REG. KEW. ee i. ae oe * + KRW es Rv 5 | Bhd bendrms ‘ ¥ 2 ww ~ 2 3 y NS S s . R a y > -¥ 3 P : 2 & ~ 3 SY a fay Mew blr cv, No. SSlgb.
| © ° ae} 4 ime Ce iy ea Ss: ay m2 q iy) > < | © ; 2 ah eCoh (2 don A } i “a Rh. resid Balt. f, t V: ; Marictas| = [Bes eaee tn Alt. 12- hill and the bottom (No. 3842) and other and on steep slopes, crimson, a deeper co et Forrest var. chamaedora, Tage et Ward, ec a typo folits subtus et glabris et eglandulosisd 13000 ft. Confined to the sheltered flank of the of the valley where it grows with the Campy logynum Ss. A prostrate/undershrub, trailing over rocks, rising some 6/ inches hers the ground. Flowers lour than No. 5845, June, 1924.” F.K.Ward No. 5846. RRO. eRe pee Se
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet