OCR text
(?) {e} oS < =. co] = % or x @ on @ Ss < @ a. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00352229 wns acum he Det. Sven Snogerup 1985 HERBARIUM DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF MOSBE™. \: 2S] \) Name.) W Weu See Mader bee TH eee os Family. Sele nC RCIAR: elale eels ees ig@eweint Vem ott au nmer les colour, &c, EA ge of’ Salt Wato dite, d, Sha tt oy Ava by bank Ce Mice Gor. iM > S4qm As val) Hassoun a Dane Of Collection, ....... by ee, a os iS Determinavit./ ees 4, Ayy us yes # 06 66 6 @ 6 <
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet