OCR text
Be ee bo 0 mes ae 14 c Seana 9 Z aaa 3} ° te) Oo < = e ay al a D i LG © P © a. co oO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00353803 =e i fr Be | rs l FLORA OF Name do -arcac, clivon LocaLiry Ativan Morfhon &dynanecke t Lore, Haprrat tw ditehrs by ALT. near de pondanhy . Levtl, REMARKS COLLECTOR DP. A. (Qairo Rer. No.LO25 DATE 13 / 5/ el K (645) Wt.74459/74 10m(4) 5/53 L.& 8. G67.
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