OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | | EDINBURGH E00353586 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN RS ire xo} oO Pa cS ry n i =) <£ neh - > a fo} (s) 2. ny a ee ‘ nfy i } OU) Mui} CONIA [4 Makin Phyl / A ubsa « € ba WEA uA : / 3 det. ILKKA KUKKONEN 1941... University of Helsinki, Finland I z= ‘bly Suu ¢ ou punt WA (of, ) 1aurey det. ILKKA KUKKONEN 19 8A University of Helsinki, Finland FLORA OF IRAN Cone Kerman, Kuh-i-Husainabad, East of Kerman: in moist, gravelly clay by edge of stream: stoloniferous: brownish: Alte ce 2100 nm 28 March 1966 Colle JeCe Archibald No. L176.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet