OCR text
phy aa s gn a a a lll me es wi ial eth a a és - / I \ eee ae 5 Type Specimen gis = OST RR ae mee ; "y PATO eon | ROYAL BO adil UEMURA | i t EDINBURGH oT RAMs mcteaen! Tipe / ; ; _ HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. | Conf Gem, kh’ ID 46 > | Zs ) Buddlern Lrencofihela, hieda t+ birarl v, 7-2 fo = eareeee 1913, ’ : 4 ie. ; 2 O74 a ae a : = a Os “5 Cot #: King Dor back oro ee copyright reserved f Buddleia crispa Benth. (holotype of B.eeremophila W.W. Smith) det. A. J. M. Leeuwenbetg 1985 ~. cawpopitoriclefotia vor 2emophila Fide C.'U.8. Marguand. Kw Youll. MoS - 1930 - Becaloblepa sen-ryefitirolcfeled W.W. by .* trernoftihite (W.W. Sow,) Mary, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Vide 46, F Comber, E00327263
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