OCR text
| | HOLOTYPE | ot... Buddleja incompta W.W. Sm. | in. Mote, Rey. Bot: Get Ed. (14lu) 8 2180 | Buddleia crispa Benth. fhe olobype of B. acosma Plargu wend ) det t. A.J. M. Lee euwenberg 198 5 | panesa jyBiukdoo Pe TANI Tn] EDINE mi} JRG} 7 Mientttinmeenteice B. acosma Tharg . len Fide C.0.4. Thanqparo . HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. E kow Buu We 5 1930 : Type Specimen Goud bore compile, UiThctm. m" ae late nnn he arth he Butta tibecter ae ae a ; ee wan, Lrunenttotia (Levt,| ary, Determinavit ra - 6 onto Pi posed bith shor be beh 4 Es-bfp a A€eets Bt? 4, sprog, eee PS: Pare i : Marg, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN fe 4/3. 404 pte Bhim Coed | RB Ax4 fp pemene 7 wii Vidit 762 Gort £00327262 4
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