OCR text
Buddleia crispa Benth. C Holotype of §.truncabifelia Léul) Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 ‘22...... Herbarium Vadense (WAG) copyright reserved WT vw 8. tletiia va, tiuncatifolia rl. | - Fide CU. tharquand /irecdtd betas. anbeste-fpagite - Koo Yousr- No 5 - 1930 Licaiees Manag ses “s (ete) een a ee Se ee a % Aker: ss a As cman GARDEN Kid Keys Les OA flea Kev€ oe | EDINBURGH | Determinavit ~- : fi ag a“ o : E00327259 fe p t
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