OCR text
Ce AOS Tab G. a! a err . B27 5©> 1S (Sfto) a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBU EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. ED RGH narloonense a, Sena to Borojerd, 50 E00349519 Ro ~ HERB. MUSEI HIST. NATUR. VINDOB. Def /Rev. fiir , Flora Iranica” 137 ar CVD f PAILS. Orns bhogalun on TRAN ad he FE ay - ie We Of J tenes 4500 ft. lide be alt.; cornfi Bulb 10° deep; 6 channelled leaves; 5/8" ; «x 10%; flower stem 18", with Long rac 4 of flowers near. Est ! 6 1984 K. H. Rechinger ijom,3 pure w
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