OCR text
peniesay }yBUAdOo ee 6 IINVLC a TVAOU A RS RE TAS | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. ah Type Specimen No. 4666. Shrub of 4-8 ft. Flowers grey and maroon, fragrant. Amongst scrub on the margins of pine forests on the ecastern flank of the Tali Range. Lat. 26°40'N. Alt. 8-10000 ft. July 1906. W.Yunnan, Chine. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH PLANTS OF E. TIBET AND 8.W. CHINA. ContecrEepD By GEORGE FORREST. Cotiector For A. K, BULLEY of NESS, NESTON, CHESHIRE. BOT. MUS. UTRECHT E00327240 PRAEP. POLLINIS 197 6 SonnEeenaEnEnEEEEnEE z : bes | a J ee i ae Pyrcah * Yel Buddleia forrestii Diels Lectotype Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 26 Neca Herbarium Vadense (WAG)
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