OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00320974 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF THAILAND ANNONACEAE Alphonsea Det.: Phetchaburi: Amphoe Kaeng Krachan: Kaeng Krachan National Park. Ban Krang Camp area. Trail near ranger substation. 12° 47.8’ N, 99° 27.4’ E Altitude: 370 m Secondary forest. Tree 6 m tall. Bark dark brown. Leaves dark green above much paler beneath. Corolla cream. David J. Middleton, Chandee Hemrat, Stuart L Suddee & Suwat Suwanachat 1718 26th March 2003 indsay, Somran Collected with financial Support from the National Geographic Soci Please communicate new identifications to Harvard University ee ria FOREST HERBARIUM BANGK OK HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA oOo = oO ® S | - ® ” ® k= ad aod Fd a > Q. ° is) MQ0@589
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