OCR text
2) ° Ke} 4 ef Co} yy ca ba i) 7 ) S < @O 2. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN l rps : = DINBURGH i [=| 00345025 | | | ) R DOUR Aj 0) Fk ek ReAGR Allium Prov. YAZD: Tezerjan Kuh, 8.5. of Shir Kuh. Stony slopes of granite detritus. Tepals white, inner perianth mauve—tingec. Alt. 2600 m 31° 35' N, 54° 08' E. 26 May, 1977 Aryavand, Edmondson & Miller No. 1444 7 : ley fos z, 5 i
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