OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ugg E00010242 Type Specimen Kb. Unckttie tan, uy Lt hed, ; Word. 3902. Hhededindran I. SADA Apoti, xPheerpreco Of Srnaw Bum. QLb I1,600- (a,oooft — a/¥/19 : WO Bear quurng um Compack masses anand amongst lhe \ pani roeks on & faceng lobes, Very comm ov, FRickels a fostdup. Ylowus a Couely lemon yellow, wu ned olamens . Dn full Loom .Caly quen Auslid wth aealy meal yOne af the frsttisal” durarf 10. met with colruring the Lare rocks. Learies anomake, flowers aleghety pragrant. 23/7/92 good say plants oil in Koom | ia usnch No9.3301, 3365. 36/0. 3290 and durarg baliy forme the buth of the Carpet carr wng ke omit necks of Past. 26/yig Ae winiking te floats shavgh 2+ van raining wlandaty copyright reserved she ESE NEE
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