OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ie) a | B fo} a cf i) ae CZ a) Oh} =] = ~ O° i copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ’ + ‘ The University of British Columbia (UBC) PLANTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Rhododendron macrophyllum Don Manning Park, Upper Skagit River, Cascade Mountains. f 4-6 ft. high rangy shrubs with equal spread, in old river wash area, in sand and gravel soil among second growth Tsuga heterophylla and Pseudostusa menziesii, with occasional Menziesia ferruginea, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Linnaea borealis and Chimaphila. 49° 20'N; 120° 50'W. Elevation 2,500 ft. 20 September 1996 Coll. & Det. Clive L. Justice
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet