OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved } DUPLA EX HERB. MUSEI HIST. NATUR. VINDOB. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien Flora Hellenica(Insulae Aegaeae) Lotus creticus L , ssp. cytisoides (L.) Briqu. { ; ao : Fundort: tng. SCOPELOS (Sporades): in saxosis maritimis prope urbem Scopelos, m: Unterlage: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 19.V.1965 leg. DePhitos EDINBURGH | E00339921 | det.: leg.:
ROYAL BOTANIC 10 copyright reserved AUSEI HIST. NATUR. VINDOB. orisches Museum Wien lenica(Insulae Aegaeae ) ticus L soides (ts) Briqu. ELOS (Sporades): in saxosis maritimis prope urbem Scopelos, m: Unterlage: To feiteen ta 19.V.1965 leg. D.Phitos | | | det.: leg.: E00339921 [> neces
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet