OCR text
(2) {e} xe) 4 = io} 3 a = 0) n oO x i ts) a EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. FLOR! i: res upimaction lL. » Kermanshah, 60° N, of Kerremabad; § ft. alt.3 arable lend, 3"215" highs much branched from bases 1 on stems 1%=3" longs leaflets rather slend glichtly toothed, glabrous; very many Mower heads; curiously flat inst sphericals flowers 1/4" long; very 6 {y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN arias oti EDINBURGH Lay ke i ly sveet f 2} erown RS ODP e | Mn E00342324 |
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