OCR text
14:709 (1439)
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Rhododendron miniatum Cowan. Sp. nov. Moles R.B.6,Bebin6 14: 224 (1927)
Species Rh. fulgenti Hook. f. forsan similis sed foliis multo minoribus,
inflorescentia laxiore 4-6-flora, calyce multo majore recedens.
Frutex 2-5 m. altus ramis deorsum efoliatis. Ramuli juniores circ.
3 mm. diam. sordide grisei hic et illic pilis floccosis nigrescentibus
vestiti, vetustiores pallide rubidi decorticantes. Alabastrorum oblong-
€ orum ad 2cm. longorum apice attenuatorum perulae exteriores crustaceo-
brunneae late ovatae vel rotundatae nunc mucronulatae floccosae
margine minute ciliatae circ. 2-5 mm. longae et latae, interiores longe
obovatae vel spathulatae membranaceae circ. I cm. longae 4 mm.
latae extra sericeo-puberulae margine ciliatae. Folia ad 6 cm. longa
petiolata ; lamina crasse coriacea 3-5-5°5 cm. longa, 2-5-3 cm. lata,
oblonga vel oblongo-ovata apice obtusa mucronulata margine planata
vel paullo revoluta basi cordulata vel rotundata supra viridis opaca,
glabra nisi costa media sulcata pilis floccosis dense obsita, venis primariis
haud conspicuis 6-10-paribus, subtus fulva lanato-tomentosa, indu-
mento e pilis ramosis dense compactis composito, costa media elevata,
nervis primariis occultis ; petiolus robustus 6-8 mm. longus tomentos'
deinde glabrescens. Flores kermesini in umbellam 4-6-floram dispositi
rachi circ. 5 mm. longa tomentosa ;_bracteae oblongae circ. 1-2 cm.
longae, 3 mm. latae crustaceo-brunneae sericeo-pilosae apice rotundatae
mox deciduae ; bracteolae non visae ; pedicelli 5-6 mm. longi sparse
floccosi vel glabri sub calyce paullo dilatati. Calyx grandis carnosulus
kermesinus ad 1-3 cm. longus glaber fere ad basim in lobos irregulariter
fissus, lobis inaequalibus ad 1 cm. longis, 1-2 cm. latis margine undulatis.
Corolla circ. 3-5 cm. longa infundibulari-campanulata extra intusque
glabra in limbum circ. 1 cm. longum expansa lobis 5 rotundatis circ.
I-2 cm. latis emarginatis. Stamina 10 inaequalia corolla breviora
1-2-5 cm. longa, filamentis deorsum paullo dilatatis glabris, antheris
2 mm. longis atro-purpureis. Gynaeceum 3 cm. longum; ovarium
oblongum glabrum vel nunc sparsissime floccosum ; stylus circ. 2-5 cm.
longus glaber.
“ SOUTHERN T1BET.—Tsari Chu, Podzé Sumdo. Alt. 10,500 ft. In
Rhododendron and Fir forest. Tree or shrub 8-15 ft. Flowers very
deep fleshy rose ; calyx small, same colour ; filaments white: anthers
dark brown ; ovary and style rose ; stigma deep rose. 21st May 1936.”
Ludlow and Sherriff, No. 1627.
“Tsari Chu, Migyitun. Alt. 12,000 ft. Growing beside cliffs on the
edge of the Rhododendron zone. Shrub 5-7 ft. Flowers deep fleshy
crimson, with deep magenta patches at base ;
calyx irregular, large,
same colour, and also fleshy ; style and filaments white; anthers red
brown ; stigma deep red. 26th May 1936.” Ludlow and Sherriff,
No. 1710. Type in Herb. Brit. Mus.
A plant somewhat resembling Rh. fulgens Hook. f. but with a very
large, rather irregular, fleshy calyx, recalling the calyx of Rh. diphro-
calyx Balf. f. and of some forms of Rh. neriiflorum Franch. I prefer
to place this species in the Campanulatum Series rather than in the
Neriiflorum Series, although the comparatively loose few-flowered
truss, and the leaf with its woolly indumentum on the underside, suggest
a linkage with the Haematodes subseries. However, in all the different
subsections of the Neriiflorum Series the ovary is densely hairy, or
glandular, or hairy and glandular, never glabrous as in Rh. fulgens and
in Rh. miniatum, and never sparsely floccose,
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