OCR text
rex-YWi=so1-) BLU Lo) BAe (ele) te al ,! = Y be ova vio EDINBURF FLORA OF Cypus M : NaME Vit 0) ; ‘Locatiry Aen ow (dant aphes ) ALT. M ; tole mata (L) Ate j HABITAT re tte ( = fe tihener Lote, Weed.) REMARKS Don. Fiudemnetko. (\ ' COLLECTOR Ow A Rer. No. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lwi¢ ; EDINBURGH DatTE Aid| al S25)" 6% Det. C. Heyn | | | (10869) Wt.70847/35 5000(4) 5/46 L.& 8. G67. E00336239
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