OCR text
; Soecey Misi cclered ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH. [|_ ee ) m= } Determinavit © ° N a loy ff 1 i} Se ‘ 5 ee Number s 463 Name: hegumin ™m fy ~ t Vilayet: Samsun J, AG 5 Locality: Beach dunes neér Kizilay Kampi Habitat: Sand Alt: 2 meters Notes: Yellow standards broad and upright, side petals loosely 'clasping' keel3 from receptacle 5 narrow 'sepals' clasp— flower. Flower not quite at end of pedicel, giving 4 pristle-like effect. Leaves tri-foliate, hairy; prostrate. Date: April 1, 19 ing ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00336059
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