OCR text
° ° Ke) 4 as ico} = = oe. © n @ + <j ) a. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00336064 Determinavit C. C. Heyn a) FLORA OF TURKEY No: 848 = Name: Leguminosae (Trifolium) Vilayets Samsun Locality: Beach, 10miles West of Samsun Alts 1 meter Habitat: Sand and grass Notes: 'Wings' clasping keel of pure yellow flower. Stamens and pistil much exserted. Leaves somewhat flesly with scattered hairs and multiple notches in a serrate fashion at the end of leaflets. Seeds coiled and with 'thorns'. Prostrate. Only one specimen found. Sept., 1 64 ceSCaT robeycex. a
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