OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00589 Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron xo] ca > +. o n cH) a a = jek a a) a fe) oO Fugong Xian, Lumadeng Xiang. Yaping Cun, S of Yaping Yakou near the border with Myanmar, E side of Gaoligong Shan. Elev. 3730 m 27° 12’ 28" N, 98° 41’ 49" E SE facing 0-10° slope. Thicket. Undisturbed. Bamboo and Rhododendron thickets and open wet meadows. Shrub ca. 1 m tall. Fruit green. Common. Growing on exposed plateau. In loam on granite. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 26606, 7 August 2005 Num 26606 i i Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunheng, Liu Benxi ; ick : ee een Rhododendron stewartianum Diels & Tang Aj (KUN) 8 herseeamiare pr iB a | | | | | Det from duplicate by Rhui-Cheng Fang — in-Hyub Pai UK rutchley (E) E00319478
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