OCR text
) {e} oO < me io} yy ae pad @O no @ = os i) 2. | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00333424 a EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. FLORA OF TURKEY Cl Ayains 1 Km, N, of Kugadasi. Coastal hills: limestone: W. and exposed: bare stony patches; between outerops and predominant low maquis ‘and garigue; at top of pank; also in season- ally grassy clearings under orchard trees at foot of hillslope. few seattered, Alt: 30m Flowers: soft lilaceviolet veined darkers 21 November 1967 Meds Cheese Cell, & We 3881 Lovooua
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet