OCR text
(9) | Oo xe} 4 ps co} Py aa ae. i) 7) Be = < my | o pcan (etsiNtCerg NE Cee: 69) cA ODINVLOG TVAOU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00333390 | EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. ©X HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. KEW. FLORA OF /*Réx) (8 pe " f 9 b ¢ a Name: (£0 Ciad Oh vA. angers ik Vernacular Name: * ee) “ be Locality: Kk we, ety itn DOM An iC Ceeek 9 Oh ko ser t- . Thy eke. Clas oot - Date: 2)-3<197 Notes: F(A. medic Leases darR Yhine “ty Arita + AYE plher », act hte ¢ { my ) oe | hh iat Ceretan, Tete (4 ms 5 ; exnckelt No & 2 (9 | Collector: |» M2#v Y e ao ,Mathoaw
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