OCR text
Y Gamer ee ley (0) copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00333342 | Core ya Srnlet) | i FLORA oF 7URKEY Crmeno ; hay ranihaes hae A _ VO, Vernacular Name: Locality: HeeesA VA KiFLAR Wirkbaalle Fev) Whpiare Tinker, Altitude: C, SO A.- Date: 2 i 3/6 2 Habitat: WANE Gye ; Short Arf on edly d Y Pooled fte. Notes: Kes. fred Stly VEE Lolth. ae WRG Collector: < /I - Curia No. 7oR/2 Jé 5
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet