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pex-YiW = s-¥-3 Les) Naquvo SINVLOG TVAOU HOUNENIGE "5 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DET..... BS Malhens 19.764... FLORA OF Sana PG) Qe Z NAME C Aoc-eea Ca~~ tel’ @ lie A Locaurry Mebk- Dex maf musa HABITAT Dee hod Sa i pwc ALT. Sooo kt Tolena Mog )oona Gaqea ond Le ota die. “in rerutrreclin REMARKS Butts cate aN Ale Grete —- Tres CottectorR PR 4. Dawes DATE : (13426) Wt.73860/25 5000(4) 2/50 L.&S. G67. ReFr. No.5 ts
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet