OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@00564 PLANTS OF INDONESIA Z| ro 9 oo ® o 4 tod io > — Es roy ° re) ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias currassavica Bali Timur; Tabanan. Central Bali, vicinity of Candi Kuning on Lake Braton. 1200 m 8°18S; 115°9E. On east shore of lake, disturbed forest below steep slopes. Dominants include Ficus, Schefflera, Voacanga, etc. Robust shrub 1.5 m tall, branching above and below: calyx green, corolla red, corona yellow. ; Local name: Comments: ROYAL BOTANG GARDEN McDonald & Ismail 4824 07/24/1994 gi HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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