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£28. 910 copyright reserved oe Ao | | f HUTTHPOTTUCTOTTTRRANTNVCUTNN TAHA Ai HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY oF CALIFORNIA HEPATICAE State of (rejoined) sheet of Menzies! own collections of Herberta, as received by me, Isotype of H, adunca = 2, J. Proskauer iv 1962 TTT TNE Be) Vo s ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 2 a oc)
6 Ui 's] 9 10 copyright Ghd ISOTYPus HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY oF CALIFORNIA HEPATICAE . Jungermannia.adunca Dickson HERPERTUS ADUNCUS (Dickson) Gray Herberta adunca (Dickson) auct., nomen incorr, Culled specimens, largely with Sporophytes, One minute fragment of a male plant adhering » at marked point, At the roots of trees, "Banks's Isles" (=? the current Banks Island), British Columbia, leg. A. Menzies, 1787 (on Capt. Colnett's expedition) J. Proskauer 11 iv 1962 wore £ x Lsot vi Jang ermanaix adunta Dicks, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ml Herbertus aduncus (Dicks.) Gray confirm. det. rev. M.L. So 2001. /-/2 /SOTY PE *“Heltrehle addin ca ” U sdby fee tle Vlei. "2° Osscta cpooplyle, ate . y ; Pies we” ah, aUrsLzGQuegr . Lo Jel.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet