OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 000 HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF INDONESIA ICACINACEAE Gomphandra javanica (Bl.) Val. Bali Timur; Tabanan. Ridge of Gunung Ca > t km NE of Bedugul. iam 1700 m 8°18S; 115°9E. Montane forest, cano t 10 m tall; dominants include Podocarpus sl Homalanthus, Platea, Vaccinium, Astronia i aight, Canopy tree 12 m tall, branching above; bole str cylindrical, 20 cm dbh; fruits immature, green Local name: Comments: . McDonald & Ismail 4892 07/27/1994 HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA copyright reserved
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