OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF INDONESIA ACANTHACEAE E. Sumba; Ngallu. Ca. 2 km NW of Paranda "Gunung Laipupu." (Mountain). , 200 m 9°128, 120°33E. Southern slopes of mountain range, canopy from 8-30 m tall: domi . : 2 = Pittosporum and Meliaceae on limestone “a Occasional perennial herb, 1-2 m tall. cor rte , corolla pale Local name: Comments: McDonald & Sunaryo 4438 05/12/1994 HERBARIUM BOGORIE NSE RVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ke} o Pa a ® n a) .— ~ cS ik a EY a ° a) M@G@589 | ae
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