OCR text
ee HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF INDONESIA xo} a) > a ® n co) i Sed = 2 = > 2. ° is) STILAGINACEAE Antidesma tetandrum Bl. Bali Timur; Karangasem. S shoulder of Gunung Agung, 6 km N of Besakih. 1300 m 8°21S; 115°26E. Cloud forest in Tavines canopy 15-25 m tall, dominants include, Engelhardia, Nauclea, Wendlandia, and Schima. Understory tree 5 m tall, branching above and at base; stems to 5 cm at base; bark tan-gray, smooth fruits i turning white to pink to purple. . Local name: "boni-sigium" Comments: NCI voucher. Fruits edible, sour McDonald & Ismail 4713 06/27/] 994 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HERBARIUM BO ing 0000 | sas AMEN ROconuENSE
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