OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00320469 | R. hylocwm Balf.JA Fawer ? —_ 3 Det. D. F. Chamberlain feb. OF Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron Gongshan Zizhixian, Cikai Zheng. E side of Gaoligong Shan along road from Gongshan to Kongdang. Elev. 3020 m 27° 47’ 26" N, 98° 32’ 5"E S facing 10-30° slope. Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Undisturbed. Mixed with Tsuga and Picea. Shrub ca. 3 m tall. Flower buds brown. Common. Growing in forest. In loam on decomposed granite. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 22401, 11 November 2004 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Li Rong, Jiang Zhutang & Zhang Yuemei (KUN); B. Bartholomew & Lihua Zhou (CAS); C. Alexander & M. Dickson (E); K. Bach (MB) | a © wy g a a = copyright reserved
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