OCR text
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ll E00320451 | R. kelelicum, Bal/. f- Lisweal Det. ae, ag Com hoi Feb 04 PLANTS OF THE GAOLIGONG SHAN REGION, YUNNAN, CHINA Ericaceae Rhododendron Gongshan: Cikai. Vicinity of Danghatu near Km 49 on the road from Gongshan to Kongdang and ca. 20.4 direct km WNW of Gongshan on the E side of Gaoligong Shan. Elev. 3360 m 27° 47 3.5" N, 98° 27' 39" E S facing 0-10° slope Meadow Disturbed by clearing. Wetland vegetation with slight clearing disturbance. Shrub, 10 cm tall. Fruit green. Common. Growing on wetland beach among rock. In humus on granite. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 33909 21 August 2006 - Participants: Li Heng Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunhens Jin Xiaohua Hu Gu E i ling, g, Jin Xiaohua Hu Gu: (KUN); Peter Fritsch (CAS); Simon Crutchley, Jin Hyub-pak (E); Catherine Bush (WEU) fi S oO Pd I C3 7] e we Hon fo?) = > a ° oO M@Q0589
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