OCR text
| ROYAL Ea RRDEN / I HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF CAMBODIA PLANTAGINACEAE Adenosma bracteosa Bonati Det. by: Ian Hedge, 10 March 2009 Erect herb to 25 cm high. Bracts pale green. Corolla light blue Koh Kong, Thma Baing, Veal Kandevech Le 413" LOS INL, OBS QS! SSB" TB, Nic? BSS) srt Collectors: Mark Newman, Jean-Noél Labat, Oudomphone Insisiengmay, Loic Cecilio and Ly Viboth Collection no.: 2082 19 December 2008 Distribution: E, P, RUPP ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MUSEUM NATIONAL D' HISTOIRE NATURELLE UNIVERSITE ROYALE DE PHNOM PENH FSP Sud Expert Plantes Please communicate new determinations to the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (P) copyright reserved Meee323
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