OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00420179 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF NORTHERN CHILE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Family: Verbenaceae Acantholippia punenis Botta Locality: Region II [Antofagasta]: Provincia de El Loa: Calama: Turi. 22°15'11.2"S, 68°18'41.1"W. Alt. 3049 m Habitat: Altoandino vegetation with mound-forming plant species including Lycium humile, Pycnophyllum spp. and with shrubs of Acantholippia punensis, Atriplex spp. and Chuquiraga atacamensis. Description: Spiny shrub to 90 cm tall; flowers pale violet, sweet-smelling Notes: Silica-dried leaf material collected Collectors: Baines,R.: Gardner, M.; Hechenleitner, P.; Morter C. & Rae, D. No. 303 Date: 7" December 2008. , Duplicates: CONC, SGO, Hitler xo} co Pa = o on co) S| —] = (o2) = ) a ° 13)
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