OCR text
| Be FLATT ET eA Ras 5a oe aan a mS pes 2 Ss A copyright reserved FLORA OF NORTHERN CHILE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Family: Verbenaceae Acantholippia punenis Botta Locality: Region II [Antofagasta]: Provincia de El Loa: San Pedro de Atacama: Road from Calama to San Pedro de Atacama. 22°46'5.3"S, 68°23'13.3"W. Alt. 3318 m Habitat: Precordillera desert. Seasonally wet roadside hollows with Cistanthe salsoloides, Acantholippia punensis, Tiquillig littoralis and Hoffmanseggia doellii. Locally abundant. Description: Aromatic shrub to 1m tall; flowers pale violet in bud, cream when open. Notes: Silica-dried leaf material collected Collectors: Baines,R.: Gardner, M.; Hechenleitner, P.; Morter ROVAL BOTAN GARDEN C. & Rae, D. No. 184 , AION ae E00230515 Duplicates: CONC, SGO
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