OCR text
i AB IMT TEATTT rom o > | dee 7} no 2 | Pw x on i) = > roy ° a) FLORA OF CHILE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (E) Family : Verbenaceae Junellia spathulata (Gillies & Hook. ex Hook.) Moldenke Locality: Region V [Valparaiso]; Provincia de Los Andes; San Esteban; Valle de Arpa. 32° 39° 33.0" S 70° 29° 49.1" Ww (WGS84). 2233m Habitat: Rocky slopes in matorral sclerophyllous andino vegetation including Schinus montanus, Guindilia trinervis, Baccharis linearis, Colliguaja integerrima, Mulinum spinosum, Chuquiraga oppositifolia, Nassauvia axilliaris and Tetraglochin alatum Description: Shrub to 25cm tall; stems green; flowers lavender- blue ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | (Wl eae I Collectors: M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees 8493 E£00282677 Date: 5th January 2009
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