OCR text
= TLE TT \ecloana Foi {eli Wale . Det. M.F. Gardner jan A fA 910 FLORA OF CHILE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (E) Family: Verbenaceae Verbena berteroi (Meisn.) Schauer Locality: Region VI [Libertador Gral. Bdo. O'Higgins]; Provincia de Colchagua; San Fernando; Termas del Flaco. 34° 57’ 3.18" S 70° 25’ 41.5" W (WGS84). 1756 m. Habitat: South-facing rocky slopes dominated by Acaena splendens, Calceolana hypericina, C. dentata, Verbena berteroi and in places by thickets of Diostea juncea Description: Prostrate woody-based herb to 1.5m across; flowers lilac-mauve ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wil oe Collectors: M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees 8391 WS Date: ist January 2009 E00282695
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