OCR text
2. nivale J.D. Hooke . Det. Yuyiny Gey 2016. Elwele denelron Sub se¢ Sa happemee Det. D. F. Chamberlain Y (Tereh JO PLANTS OF CHINA Ericaceae Rhododendron lepidotum Wallich Xizang (Tibet) Province, Markam Xian: Pass on highway 214 at Lawu Shan, just N of the city of Markam. 29°42'6"N, 98°31'32"E; 4400--4500 m. Heavily grazed Kobresia and Carex meadows with Polygonum, Potentilla. Shrubs ca. 40-50 cm tall. Flowers lavender or pink. D. E. Boufford, S. L. Kelley, R. H. Ree & S. K. Wu 29439 14 July 2000 OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : EDINBURGH | | WOM £00315340 Harvard University Herbaria | copyright reserved oa 0 Ww fax) fax) g =
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